
Mr Graham Freeman staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517625

Graham Freeman NZCS, NZDipSc

Senior Technician - Science

School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences



  • New Zealand Certificate in Science - Authority for Advanced Vocational Awards (1986)
  • New Zealand Diploma in Science - Authority for Advanced Vocational Awards (1990)

Research Outputs


Davidson, RJ., Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Freeman, GH., & Jameson, GB. (2016). Structural features of di(1-adamantyl)benzylphosphane complexes of Cu(I) and Ag(I). Polyhedron. 119, 584-589
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G., Jameson, G.
Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Freeman, GH., & Plieger, PG. (2016). Structural studies on tribenzylphosphane sulfide complexes of copper(I) and silver(I). Polyhedron. 106, 40-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G.
Davidson, RJ., Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Freeman, GH., & Jameson, GB. (2014). Structural studies on tris(2-cyanoethyl)phosphine complexes of Cu(I): The sensitivity of the secondary nitrile coordination to the nature of the anion. Polyhedron. 79, 330-337
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G., Jameson, G.
Ainscough, EW., Bowmaker, GA., Brodie, AM., Freeman, GH., Hanna, JV., Jameson, GB., . . . Otter, CA. (2011). Structural and spectroscopic characterization of silver(I) tribenzylphosphane complexes including chloro and bromo derivatives with unusual stoichiometries and an iodo complex with a Ag<inf>13</inf>I<inf>13</inf> cluster core. Polyhedron. 30(4), 638-646
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G., Jameson, G.
Ainscough, EW., Bowmaker, GA., Brodie, AM., Freeman, GH., Hanna, JV., Healy, PC., . . . White, AH. (2010). Structural and spectroscopic characterisation of linearly coordinated gold(I) tribenzylphosphane complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. (13), 2044-2053
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G.
Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Derwahl, A., Freeman, GH., & Otter, CA. (2007). Copper(I) and mercury(II) halide complexes of 1,2-bis(diphenylthioylphosphino)hydrazine. Polyhedron. 26(18), 5398-5405
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G.
Bowmaker, GA., Assadollahzadeh, B., Brodie, AM., Ainscough, EW., Freeman, GH., & Jameson, GB. (2005). Structural and spectroscopic studies on mercury(II) tribenzylphosphine complexes. Dalton Transactions. (9), 1602-1612
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G., Jameson, G.
Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Burrell, AK., Freeman, GH., Jameson, GB., Bowmaker, GA., . . . Healy, PC. (2001). Structural and spectroscopic studies on three- and two-co-ordinate copper(I) halide tribenzylphosphine complexes. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. (2), 144-151
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G., Jameson, G.
Kitson, TM., & Freeman, GH. (2000). 3,4-Dihydro-3,4,6-trimethyl-2H,8H-pyrano-[3,2g]-1,3-benzoxazin-2,8-dione, a potential fluorogenic reporter group reagent for esterases - Synthesis and interaction with chymotrypsin. Bioorganic Chemistry. 28(5), 273-282
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G.
Kitson, TM., & Freeman, GH. (1993). 3,4-Dihydro-3-methyl-6-nitro-2H-1,3-benzoxazin-2-one, a Reagent for Labeling p-Nitrophenyl Esterases with a Chromophoric Reporter Group - Synthesis and Reaction with Chymotrypsin. Bioorganic Chemistry. 21(3), 354-365
[Journal article]Authored by: Freeman, G.


Poddar, D., Ainscough, EW., Freeman, GH., Ellis, AM., Glover, CJ., Johannessen, B., . . . Jameson, GB. (2013). Preliminary characterisation by XAS of Mn hyperaccumulated by ptobiotic Lactobbacillus sp.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Synchrotron User Meeting, Synchrotron, Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Freeman, G., Haverkamp, R., Jameson, G., Singh, H.
Ainscough, EW., Brodie, AM., Burrell, AK., Freeman, GH., Jameson, GB., Bowmaker, GA., . . . Healy, PC. (2001, December). Self assembly of metal-rich clusters: Structural and spectroscopic studies on silver(I) tribenzylphosphine complexes. Presented at Molecules for Life. Napier War Memorial Conference Centre, Napier, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Freeman, G.
Euston, SE., Freeman, GH., Kitson, KE., & Kitson, TM.Effect of substituted bromoacetanilides on cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (pp. 233 - 241). 0065-2598.
[Conference]Authored by: Freeman, G.